mardi 10 mars 2009

Télépathie & jumeaux

Tantôt, je pensais à l'article de Patrick qui parlait de la vraie de vraie magie qui existe indéniablement entre les jumeaux identiques.

J'ai décidé de voyager dans les dessus et les dessous de la Toile et de prouver deux choses:
  • Que la télépathie entre jumeaux existe;
  • Que tout le monde aime bien y croire.

Un site dont une page s'appelle Twin Telepathy (disponible ici) raconte l'histoire fascinante et pas du tout ennuyante de deux paires de jumeaux (deux jumeaux et deux jumelles) qui font de la télépathie. Ça a été prouvé de la même manière les deux fois: les deux étaient isolés l'un de l'autre, l'un vivait quelque chose, et un détecteur de mensonge montrait en même temps une importante activité (instantanément) chez l'autre jumeau. Preuve faite.

Le site, intelligemment, nous explique comment on peut reproduire l'expérience. Les conditions suivantes doivent être respectées (et j'ai arrêté ma lecture là):
It won't work every time. The twins need to answer yes to four questions:
  • Are you absolutely identical?
  • Do you still feel a close bond with your twin? (Not all of them do).
  • Are you an extravert and not an introvert? (This is easily calculated in a standard psychological test).
  • Do you think you have already experienced telepathy with your twin?
La dernière question est particulièrement ridicule. Les conditions imposées sont telles que la probabilité de "succès" (guillemets) vient de matériellement augmenter.

L'auteur du livre sous-jacent au site -- Twin Telepathy - The Psychic Connection -- a aussi écrit un livre qui s'appelle Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home.

Il y a un site qui s'appelle HowStuffWorks et qui a une page qui s'appelle How Twins Work. L'histoire commence très bien avec deux histoires qui parlent fort.
My identical twin sister, nicknamed "Fred," was hiking in Sabino Canyon while visiting our aunt for two weeks in Arizona. In the middle of the hike, she slipped and suffered a sprain, a few cuts and some scrapes and bruises. (...)

(...) I was interviewing new wait staff at work. In the middle of an interview, I had an intense feeling of worry for no apparent reason. I was thinking of my sister and could not resist the urge to call and check on her. I excused myself from the interview to make the call, but got her voicemail. (...)

Later that evening, when Fred finally called me back, we discovered the "incidents" were within minutes of each other.

One day I was reminded of a college friend I hadn't talked to in two years. When I went home that evening, I mentioned this to my husband. He smiled and asked, "Have you checked the voicemail today?" when I did, I was surprised and pleased to hear a message from the friend I had been thinking about all day.

Le site continue avec de très bonnes questions, entre autres:
  • Can they read each other's minds?
  • Do they finish each other's sentences because they are truly telepathic?
  • Do twins possess some shared form of extrasensory perception that the rest of the world doesn't?

MAIS... comble de l'horreur pour les croyants, ce site a été écrit par une jumelle identique! Elle dit, entre autres:
So, are these random coincidences? Many scientists would say they are. In fact, results of various experiments conducted on twins testing for telepathy show no real indication that twins are any more connected in this manner than others are.

Merci, job's done.

Comme si c'était pas suffisant, elle continue à dire que certaines études montrent qu'il y a effectivement une drôle de relation, mais pas plus qu'entre parents normaux (frères/soeurs, parents, etc.). Mais bref, c'est dommage parce que je ne recherchais pas autant de lucidité.

Les forums sont des endroits merveilleux, où j'ai trouvé mon lot de bonheur pour aujourd'hui. Par exemple:
I've been thinking about so-called twin telepathy and wondering if it really exists. I'm a 20 y/o girl at college and no longer live with my brother, but on many occasions I've appeared to be able to see glimpses into his mind and been able to feel what he feels. This happens most often in my dreams. The strangest incidents are when I will feel pain suddenly and with no explanation and will learn later that he has hurt himself in that same area, as he did in a bike accident earlier this year.

Parmi les réponses intéressantes, admirez la réponse de cette personne de 12 ans:
what actually happens is some crazy a$$ s**t beyond our comprehension. Basically if its your loved ones or brother/twin etc. you develop a bond with that person this bond can become so intense that your brain waves can actually enter the others mind and you can tell eachothers thoughts, feelings, pain, or in extreme cases your mind will actually simulate death by forcing you into a state of unconsciencousness. (did i spell that right?)

I'm 12 and I understood what i just wrote watch discovery channel and read a few books it helps

Et aussi des gens qui encouragent la propagation de l'intelligence:
My husband is an identical twin, if one of them have a headache so does the other one, they will finish each other sentences and know when the other one is hurt. I dont know how or why becuase im not the twin but my husband says its true.

i am 13 and have a twin brother...were not identical or look the same at all... any ways i can feel every pain he has in the same spot and finishes senteces or think about what he was about to say before he says it

Il y a aussi des histoires qui montrent que les jumeaux sont plus adaptés à la survie parce qu'ils peuvent dépendre l'un de l'autre. Par exemple:
(...) the mother tells a startling story of how she was feeding the babies, where one son suddenly starts to scream at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason. As she is unable to find the reason as to why he is screaming until his face turns blue she turns to see what is going on with her other son. Evidently, the second son had managed to roll over and almost suffocate being mashed up against a few pillows. After a quick mouth-to-mouth session and a short trip to the hospital to see if everything was all right, he was perfectly fine again and the first son had stopped trying to turn blue.

Well, les amis, j'ai une grosse nouvelle pour vous.

La télépathie n'existe pas.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

C'est bizarre parce que je pensais justement à un article sur la télépathie...

Patrick a dit...

yen a qui poussent le concept de télépathie chez les jumeaux identiques un peu trop loin.. "we're twins, not identical and certainly not alike. we do telepathy all -- the -- time"

le gars de 12 ans ????